Sunday, May 27, 2007

This time, for real

So here I am, making my first real post in this livejournal thing. I think this could be a lot of fun. Educational, at any rate.I've been doing a lot of looking-over of some journal entries from past years, and come to some conclusions. First, I have a lot of mother issues--I used to be really angry! Freud would have a field day with me. Second, that I am a very, very different person than I was two years ago. I look back on my life, even things as recently as freshman or sophomore year, and it's just...whoa. I'm so different. And it's a good thing. A really, really good thing.I'm still having a lot of future-freak-out moments, which is surprising, considering I'm one of like five Colby seniors who knows what she's doing next year. And I'm excited about TFA, I really am. But I also have these moments of wondering...will I be happy? What if I'm not? What if I wind up stuck in the middle of nowhere in Texas suffering and miserable for two years? What the hell am I supposed to be doing with my life? How do I know I'm doing the right thing? And even if I am, how do I know I'm doing it the right way?

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