Sunday, June 24, 2007

Beginning of a busy week!

Ahh! I can't believe it's March! So, so scary...graduation is getting so close! This week is going to be crazy...two papers, a presentation, the Echo continuing to rule my life (thank God I finally got an assistant editor...) and I got next to nothing done this weekend. I'm so screwed.But this weekend was good, despite the unproductivity. Particularly yesterday. Went to church with Karen in the morning, which I really enjoyed. Mostly because Lisa's cool and Mia is the cutest 8-year-old ever. :) Then I painted faces at the Lenten Fair (which was really more of an Easter Fair) in town, which was a lot of fun, in spite of all the complaining I did beforehand. Kids just make me smile--it really is a good thing that I'm going to be teaching them next year, nervous as I am about it all.Watched the most amazing documentary for Phyllis' class last night, "Southern Comfort." I would highly reccommend it--but be warned that it's not a light movie. It'll probably make you cry. But I loved it. It really made me so grateful for all the love and shared blessings in my life, and reminded me that love, no matter what form it takes, is always something incredibly beautiful, inspiring and blessed.*****postcard from our future homei am in bed, just waking.our room smells of lovemaking andthe coffee brewing woke early this morning to surprise me.there is so much to do today.

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