Thursday, June 21, 2007

Productive procrastination

I know I should be working right now; I have two papers due next week and a presentation. However, I just can't seem to force myself to be productive. So, I am productively procrastinating by writing in my livejournal. I think I like this thing!Last night was interesting. Going to the PeWi basement for the "Dress Your Major" party was quite enjoyable. It was fun to get dressed up (okay, so all I really did was pull my hair up and stick some pens in it, but still...) and it was fun to see and talk to some people I hadn't seen for a while. There's another party in the apartments tonight, which should be fun. It makes me feel like I've made some progress, that this year I finally have grown a social life and started getting invited to parties. Part of it probably has some to do with being a senior and knowing people who live in the apartments and have the whole senior party-hard mentality, but I'd like to think that part of it is also due to me having grown up and gotten better at casually socializing. I definitely feel more like an adult, anyway. It's nice; gives me hope for the future.Random thought: I should reread "Beauty." I happened to think of it when my mind was wandering earlier this morning. That book always makes me happy, and I haven't taken a look at it in a really long time.Okay, I'm going to try and do something academic with my morning. Shakespeare and Donne are waiting with bated breath for me to analyze them to death; better get on that.

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