Monday, August 20, 2007

Future anxieties

This week has been absolutely insane. I had an exam on Tuesday, a paper due today and another due on Sunday...which is Easter! The one due on Easter is for Laurie, and I had a meeting with her about it today. I felt kind of bad, because I was a bit out of it and stressed and hadn't done much work on the paper yet because I'd been working on the one due today. We ended up talking about my teaching observation at Messalonskee on Monday (Laurie's son goes there) and about how I'm nervous about TFA. Laurie said she thinks I'm going to be great, which made me feel a little better, even though I'm not entirely sure I believe her. The observation made everything so REAL, and I'm not sure I'll be able handle it. How on earth am I going to get the kids to respect me? How do teachers do it? I'm not such an outgoing, dynamic person...I'm closer to a pushover than anything! Anyway, one piece of advice Laurie gave me was, "Just remember that even on your worst days you know infinitely more than them." It made me smile, at any rate. I AM psyched for the adventure of TFA, I really's just pretty scary, too. I mean, I'm going be MISS MCCANDLESS!!! How weird is that?!? I don't want to be a grown-up yet--I still have way too many days when I wish I could go back to being five!

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